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ELKO.BY distributor of IT equipment, consumer electronics, software and services.


Our clients are integrators, corporate resellers, retail chains, e-commerce, service providers, software developers. We help our partners make their business more predictable and profitable. 


To do this, ELKO.BY has the following options:


  • Variety of contracts. Work with the world's best providers such as Aqara,D-Link, Fortinet, Honor, Kyland, Philips, Samsung, Tecno, Viomi, Xiaomi, Maipu, Qsan, Systeme Electric, Vinchin, Kron and many more

  • Focused approach to the following product categories:

- Value Added Distribution (VAD)- servers, telecommunications and project equipment; 

- Mobile devices– smartphones, personal laptops, tablets and accessories;

- Consumer Appliances- TVs, household appliances, "smart home";

- Finished Goods- computers, monitors, commercial laptops, printers; 

- Software- software;  

- Cloud & Services- cloud products and services.

  • Transparent business relationships and information security

  • Financial support and business development of partners

  • Technological development, support and training on solutions and projects  focuses on the main technological trends: the development of hybrid clouds, global marketplaces, cybersecurity, solutions for mobile and remote work, IT training, Big Data and analytics, alternative energy, electric transport. We see new socio-cultural trends, such as: concern for health and safety, smart, comfortable, cozy home, transition to online learning and work. Digital marketing is becoming more and more important when a company interacts with the market and partners.


The main values of are:

Respect:open exchange of knowledge, the opportunity to discuss and find solutions for any issue. 

Development:vector for permanent change and training opportunity. 

HonestyA: to our partners and employees, transparency.

Reliability:building long-term relationships with partners and employees.

Cooperation:ability to negotiate.

Our mission– to combine the best IT equipment, consumer electronics, software and services with the needs of people, providing fast delivery, professional growth and transparent system of responsibility.

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